Updated Oct 22 2002

The Mailbox Page

This page has been created to provide you with the answers to common questions about the image Runner Mailbox feature.

1.  What is a Mailbox?
2.  What Canon printers support Mailbox?
3.  What are the hardware requirements?
4.  How do I register a Mailbox on the iR product?
5.  How do I setup the printer driver to print to a Mailbox?
6.  I cannot see the Mailbox name in the driver.  How can I correct this?
7.  I forgot my Mailbox password or System settings password.  What can I do?
8.  My Mailboxes keep disappearing
9.  How do I run Scandisk on a iR550/600?
10.  I'd like to permanently store a job on the iR550/600


1.  What is a Mailbox?
The Mailbox is a feature of the Canon Image Runner line.  It allow the user to send a and store a print job in the printer.  The user must walk up to the iR to release the job.  This feature it useful when printing confidential documents.  Like Resumes ;-)

2.  What Canon printers support Mailbox?
Mailbox is supported with the  imageRunner 330/400 and 600.

3.  What are the hardware requirements?
The imageRunner 330/400 comes with 32MB of IP memory.  The Mailbox feature requires an additional 32MB of IP expansion memory to make a total of 64MB.  The imageRunner 600 is ready for Mailbox right out of the box.  No additional hardware is required.

4.  How do I register a Mailbox on the iR product?
On the iR control panel, Additional functions, Image server custom settings, Mailbox registration, Select #, Store, Enter name, Enter optional password, Enter time until delete, OK.

5. How do I setup the printer driver to print to a Mailbox?

PCL Finishing, Select Store, choose OK.  A new button is available called Store destination.  This button allows access to the following options;

PCL Mailbox Options
Data Name Need to test this
Send to Image Form Memory  iR550/600 only.  First page stored as image form
Send to Mailbox Click this to send to mailbox
Box Number Select the Mailbox number
Proof Print iR550/600 only.  Prints and stores in mailbox

PS Options, Job Destination, Mailbox, OK.  These options come upafter sending the job;

PS Mailbox Options
Select Mailbox # Select the Mailbox number
Proof print iR550/600 only.  Prints and stores in mailbox
Register as a copy form iR550/600 only.  First page stored as image form
Send to Mailbox Click this to send to mailbox
Print immediately Click this to print and not send to mailbox


6.  I cannot see the Mailbox name in the driver.  How can I correct this?
The Mailbox name is made visible within the driver in one of two ways, depending on the type of printer you have.

iR 5000
The iR 5000 automatically imports the mailbox names into the driver when the "Get Device Status" button is used.
You must install NetSpot Suite Services using the Setup type of printer driverMore info here.

iR 330/400 550/600
The iR 330/400 and iR 550/600 gets its mailbox name through the use of a local file called a "Box" file
1.  Once the Mailboxes are created on the iR 330/400 or iR 550/600 write the names and box numbers down.
2.  On any Windows machine, create a text file called mail.box.  The file name is not important.  The extension *.box must be used
3.  Make the file look like this

0=Name 0
1=Name 1
2=Name 2
3=Name 3
4=Name 4
5=Name 5

Here is an example
0=Dr Evil
3=Mr Bill
4=Rick Preston
5=Steve Quinn

Use the numbers 0 to 99 as the key names
The key and box name altogether cannot exceed 24 characters
[Key=1] must be included

Save this text file you created with a *.box extension.  The location of the file is not important

Within the driver, when you click on Get Device Status, you should be prompted with
"Mail Box names will be imported, Do you want to continue?  Yes or No

If you choose yes, provide the path for the *.box file

It should be possible to use a single network shared file for the box name.
It will be necessary for each workstations driver to import the box information.

7.  I forgot my Mailbox password or System settings password.  What can I do?
Update : July 12, 2001.  For the iR8500/6000/5000/3300/2800/2200 click here.
This applies for:
iR330/400 IP version 42 or later
iR550/600 IP version 21 or later.

Otherwise a Image Server Hard disk format is required.

1.  Goto the copier service mode.  (Service Tech's only)
2.  Copier, Function, Clear, PWD-CLR, OK.  (All original passwords still remain)
3.  Reset to exit the service mode
4.  Enter a new systems settings password.  Additional functions, Custom common settings, Down 2 times, Set system settings password.
6.  Use this password as a substitute for the forgotten password.
7.  Delete or print the forgotten password mailbox.
8.  Create a new mailbox for the customer and ensure they archive their password

8.  My Mailboxes keep disappearing.  I would like to thank Richard Offord for forwarding this to us.  Thanks buddy.
From: rofford@officeequipmentdcb.com
Subject: IR500 and MailBOXES

I had an Ir500 with mailboxes and when you added a mailbox to save data to the customer would call each morning that the mailboxes would be gone. I did not believe this until I tried it myself. You can add mailboxes and power cycle the machine and the mailboxes disappear. I did this 3 times and had the same result. I started a scandisk on the internal hard drive and let it go to about 8% and then powered the machine off/on and the mailboxes were there upon power-on.

9.  How do I run Scandisk on a iR550/60?
Go into Service Mode.
Copier, Function, Hard Disk, Scandisk, Ok

I don?t recommend shutting the machine off to accomplish an 8% scandisk. (Sorry Richard)
I?m told that 20 minutes should do it.
It is worth the wait.

10.  I'd like to permanently store a job on the iR550/600.
Your customer probably wants to store a print job permanetely on the machine and recall it when required

One method is using Print to Mailbox and adjusting the mailbox deletion time to 0 hours (never delete)
Go into Service Mode, Copier, Option, User.
Toggle MB-T-LIM from the default of 0 to a 1.  Reboot
This will allow you to set the mail box deletion time to "0" thus never deleting a mailbox job

Another untested method is to scan a document off the glass using the "form composition" feature
Then use, Special Features, Form Composition, Name of form, Sample Print...

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