Setting up SCO Unixware 7 R7.1 to print to Canon Networked Printers
This information comes mostly from the Sun Solaris 2.6 page on this
site as they are very similar although different, and the Man pages.
This was tested with a Intel P2 350, Unixware 7 Release 7.1, the
GP200e, and the iR400.
NOTE : If the netmgt package is not installed remote printing
could spawn many processes. This slows down the system and
eventually causes a system panic. Please make sure netmgt is
installed. This is done by executing :
pkginfo -l netmgt
Executive Summary
Commands to make a remote printer accessible
lpsystem -t bsd host_name
lpadmin -p new_printer_name -s host_name!queue_name
lpadmin -p new_printer_name -T printer_type_list -I content_type_list
accept new_printer_name
enable new_printer_name
(the host_name needs to have an entry in /etc/hosts)
Example GP200e (with EFI controller)
lpsystem -t bsd gp200e
lpadmin -p canon -s gp200e!print_200-216
lpadmin -p canon -T PS -I PS,simple
accept canon
enable canon
(the host name gp200e needs to have an entry in /etc/hosts)
To test your new entry try:
lpstat -p canon -l
NOTE : To print a postscript file you must tell lp that it is
lp -p canon -T PS
additional information: This doesn't include everything but lots of
interesting stuff if your into that sort of thing ;-)
The printing daemon is called lpsched
to see if it is running try
lpstat -r
ps -e |grep lpsched
lpsystem : register remote system with the print service
do a man on lpsystem for details. This man page is good in SCO
lpsystem -l : list all systems registered
lpsystem -l host_name : list info on particular host
lpsystem -r host_name : remove host_name from print service registry
lpadmin : adding or changing a printer(s) options
lpadmin -p printer [options]
When adding a printer one of three options must be supplied : -v, -U,
-s host_name!queue_name : make a remote printer accessible. host_name
is the name of the remote system or host as specified in /etc/hosts, and
the queue_name is the name of the queue you want to use. For
your queue name try here(see
example in the executive summary)
-I content_type_list : allow printer to handle print requests with the
content type listed in a content_type_list. If the printer type is
specified by the -T option, then the printer type is also considered to
be a valid content type.
-T printer_type_list : identify the printer as being of one or more
printer types. Each printer type is used to extract data from the
terminfo database; This information is used to initialize the printer
before printing. Some filters may also use a printer type to convert
content for the printer.
Banner Page Update 11/23/2000 - Check out the banner
to disable banner page on the remote setup the user has to add -o
nobanner when printing
lp -d canon -o nobanner myfile
lp -d canon -T PS -o nobanner
Deleting the Printer
reject printer_name
disable printer_name
lpadmin -x printer_name
to verify
lpstat -p printer_name -l
Checking the printer status
show default printer
lpstat -d
show description of printer
lpstat -p printer_name -D
Basic status of printer
lpstat -p printer_name
Detailed status of printer
lpstat -p printer_name -l
status of print services
lpstat -t
Restarting the Print Scheduler
Check to see if scheduler is running
lpstat -r
turn off scheduler
turn on scheduler
lpsched List of commands I could find regarding printing
lpsystem : register remote system with the print service
enable : activate a printer
cancel : cancel print request
lp : send a print request
lpstat : report status of the lp print service
disable : deactivate a printer
accept : permit print requests to be queued
reject : prevent print requests to be queued
lpadmin : setup or change printer configurations
lpfilter : setup or change filter definitions
lpforms : setup or change preprinted forms
lpmove : move output request from one destination to another
lpsched : starts lp services
lpshut : stops lp services
lpusers : setup or change user stuff
Note: There is a GUI from which you can do most of this stuff but
not all, run :