Setting up SCO OpenServer R5 to print to Canon Networked Printers
This information comes from the SCO documentation server and me playing
This was tested with an Intel P133, SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.5 and
the iR400.
Remote printing with SCO 5 is done using RLP (Remote Line
Printer). This is not installed by default. RLP works with
TCP/IP so make sure you are running TCP/IP before installing RLP.( I
personally have never seen a UNIX box running without TCP/IP but I don't
get out much ;-)
NOTE : Before you begin make sure you have an entry in the
/etc/hosts file or DNS pointing to the printer.
To Install RLP login in as root and at the command prompt type:
mkdev rlp <enter>
The remote printing configuration utility should start. To
install type : i <enter>
If it is already installed you will be informed here and you will go
back to the prompt. If this is the case skip ahead to the rlpconf
command down the page.
If it is not yet installed some new directories will be created, some
old commands will be backed up, and remote commands installed.
Then : Do you which to change the printer description file
/etc/printcap (y/n) : type : y <enter>
This runs rlpconf which will setup your printer. For those of you
who are just joining us now (rlp was already installed) at the command
prompt type : rlpconf
This utility does not do exactly what we want it to do but it does take
care of a lot of things that would take us a while to do manually.
We will still have to edit the /etc/printcap manually afterwards but a
lot less work.
At the first prompt enter the name you want your system to call the
printer. press <enter>
at the next prompt tell the system it is a remote printer : r
At this prompt enter the host name of the printer as it appears in your
/etc/hosts entry then hit <enter>
verify this information is correct, type y <enter>
At this prompt enter no we do not support Extended RLP type : n
Would you like this printer to be the system default ? your choice
Don't worry about any of the warnings, they don't effect us. :
The program finishes setting up your printer and goes back to the
beginning of the setup to install a new printer, type : q <enter>
For those of you who just joined us for the rlpconf command you should
be at a prompt and can skip ahead to editing the /etc/printcap
file. For those of us who are doing a new install will we be asked
if we want to start remote daemon now. type : y <enter>
and now we are back at the prompt too.
Using your favorite text editor we are going to edit the /etc/printcap
file. ( vi rocks )
Your /etc/printcap entry should look like this:
For more information on the /etc/printcap file and what it can do seebsd.html
For print queue names look here.
Make sure lpd is running try
ps -e |grep lpd
Now How to print.
Restrictions when printing using rlp are:
1. printer classes are not supported
2. not all lp options are supported
Now that you have RLP up and running the commands that it uses are lp,
lpmove, cancel, lpstat.
To print a text document :
lp -d printer_name myfile.txt
To print a postscript document :
lp -d printer_name
Supported options
When you are not using any options for these commands they work the
same as the non-RLP commands would.
lp -d printer_name :print to the
specified printer
lp -T file_type
:input file format (i.e. PS)
lp -o
:suppress banner page : update 11/23/2000 : banner
There are many more options available for lp but these are the one's
most requested. To find more check the SCOHelp, Networking
Documentation Set, Networking Guide, Chapter 16, SCO clients.
lpmove request-id dest
: moves print job request-id to a new printer
lpmove dest1 dest2
: moves all the printjobs from dest1 to dest2
: Check to see if scheduler is running
: show default printer
lpstat -p printer_name : Basic status of printer
: status of print services
There are many more options available for lpstat but these are the
one's most requested. To find more check the SCOHelp, Networking
Documentation Set, Networking Guide, Chapter 16, SCO clients.
removing a printer
Use a text editor (vi rocks) to edit the /etc/printcap file.
Delete any line(s) pretaining to the printer you want to delete.
save and exit.
(in the next two lines I have bolded the stuff to delete)
next remove the spool directory /usr/spool/lpd/printer_name
next remove the configuration file and directory
If it was the default printer you will have to edit the
/usr/spool/lp/default to point to a new printer.
There is a lot more information regarding printing but this should be
enough to get you connected. Have way too much fun