Updated Jan 16 2003

The Windows 2000 Page

This page has been created to assist you in connecting your Canon printer in a Windows 2000 environment


1.   Which of the Windows 2000 printing methods have we tested so far.
2.   What is the Standard Port Monitor?
3.   What Services or Protocols need to be installed for TCP/IP printing with Windows 2000?
4.   What printing method is the best for me?
5.   How do I install Print Services for Unix?
6.   Should I connect the printer to the network first?
7.   How do I install the Printer driver to a local port first?
8.   How do I configure the Standard Port Monitor for LPR or Raw (Port 9100)
9.   How can I connect my Canon printer with SMB (LAN Manager Printer Port)
10.  How can I confirm the port type that is installed?
11.  How can I check or change my Port settings?
12.  How can I instal an NT 4 PS driver onto Windows 2000?
13.  How can I install a Windows 2000/XP driver on Windows NT 4 for point and print?
14.  I would like information on Windows 2000 Internet Printing Protocol or IPP
15.   I would like some information on Click and Print or Point and Print


1.  Which of the Windows 2000 printing methods have we tested so far?
So far we have tested these 4 methods.
1 and 2.  Standard Port Monitor can be configured for either LPR or Raw (Port 9100).
3.  Print Services for Unix.  This is identical to Windows NT4 LPR port style of printing
4.  Windows 2000 also has printing with HTTP protocol called Internet Printing Protocol.  Please go to our IPP page for more information

2.  What is the Standard Port Monitor?
The Standard Port Monitor is a new printing system included with Windows 2000
It can be configured to print with either LPR or Raw (Port 9100).

3.  What Services or Protocols need to be installed for TCP/IP printing with Windows 2000?
1.  Internet Protocol  (TCP/IP)  (Enabled by default)
2.  Standard Port Monitor  (SPM)          (Enabled by default)
3.  Print Services for Unix  (Like NT4's LPR Port)  (Not enabled by default)

4.  What printing method is the best for me?
1.  Standard Port Monitor with LPR
With this method, an option called byte counting must be enabled.
This method appears to be the slowest since it does not completely follow the LPR Printing procedure outlined in RFC 1179.

2.  Standard Port Monitor with Port 9100
If your printer supports port 9100, this method should be the fastest.

3.  Print Services for Unix.
This print method uses the reliable Windows NT4 LPR printing method.
If your printer does not support port 9100, it is recommended to use this method.

5.  How do I install Print Services for Unix?
Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components, Other Network file and Print Services, Select Print Services for Unix.
The I386 files from the Windows 2000 CD will be required.
Always reinstall your Service Pack after installing files from the original CD

6.  Should I connect the printer to the network first?
Yes, ensure the printer is on and connected to the Network.
Ensure you can ping the device.
You can get to the command prompt by doing the following
Start, Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.

I can ping the printer and I am ready to go
Sometimes it is easiest to install the printer driver first.
Then after the installation of the driver, you can walk through the steps of creating the port.

7.  How do I install the Printer driver to a local port first?
Here you will be installing the printer driver to a Local printer port (LPT1...)
Click on Start, Settings, Printers.
Click on Add Printer, Next, Local Printer,  Under use the following port, select LPT1 or another local port.
Now provide the Printer driver disk to complete the installation.
If your driver does not install through the Add printer wizard (IE a setup based install as in a Postscript printer), close the Wizard and install using the setup utility
Ensure you are connecting the printer to LPT1 or another local port.

8.  How do I configure the Standard Port Monitor for LPR or Raw (Port 9100)
Start settings, printers, right click on your desired printer, select properties, select ports
Select Add port, Select Standard TCP/IP port, Select New port.
The Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard will launch. Click Next.
Enter the Printer name or TCP/IP address
A Port name field will automatically be populated
This can any name.  It is not the LPR Queue name.
Click next, click finish.

You will now have one of two situations;

1. Windows 2000 can query the printer.
Items like SNMP, Protocol, and Adapter type has automatically been chosen.
Click on Finish.
Now click on configure port
Goto Configuring the Port below


2.  Windows 2000 cannot query printer
You will be prompted to provide a device type.
In this situation, select Custom and click settings
The Port name (Not the Queue name) and the TCP/IP address should be automatically populated
Goto Configuring the Port below

Configuring the Port
Now you have the choice of two printing methods

1.  If you want to print with LPR do the following;
While Raw is checked, enter 515 in the port number. Now check LPR
Under LPR settings, enter the LPR Queue name of the printer
Ensure LPR Byte counting is checked
SNMP Status is optional
Click OK, Click next and Click Finish

2.  If you want to print with the RAW (Port 9100) do the following;
Under Protocol check Raw
Under Raw Settings, ensure the port number 9100 is entered
SNMP Status is optional
Click OK, Click next and Click Finish

You have successfully installed a Standard TCP/IP port. Close all remaining windows.

9.  How can I connect my Canon printer with SMB (LAN Manager Printer Port) (Very Non-Recommended)
Start, settings, printers, Add Printer, next, select Network printer, next.
Select  "Type the printer name, or click next to browse for a printer", next
Browse from the list of Domains to locate the printer.
Double click the desired printer, highlight the desired queue, next
The Port is now created.
You can skip the driver installation procedure if you wish.

10.  How can I confirm the port type that is installed?
Start, settings, printers, right click any driver, properties, ports
Check the port properties against this chart;

Port Type
Standard TCP/IP Port
Standard TCP/IP Port
LPR Port
Lan Manager Printer Port
Lan Manager Printer Port


11.  How can I check or change my Port settings?
Only the Standard TCP/IP Port settings can be changed
Start, settings, printers, Right click on any printer, properties, ports
Highlight the port you want to adjust, click on configure port

The following items can be adjusted;

Printer name or TCP/IP address
Protocol: Raw/LPR
Port Number
LPR Queue Name
LPR Byte counting
SNMP Status, Community name, SNMP Device index
12.  How can I instal an NT 4 PS driver onto Windows 2000?
Here is a page describing how.  Installing NT 4 PS driver onto Windows 2000

13.  How can I install a Windows 2000/XP driver on Windows NT 4 for point and print?
Information like this can be also found on our Click and Print page

14.  I would like information on Windows 2000 Internet Printing Protocol or IPP
Please go to our IPP page for more information.

15.   I would like some information on Click and Print or Point and Print
 Please visit our Click and Print page

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