Updated Oct 22 2002
The Booklet Printing Page
This page has been provided to assist you with printing booklets
with the iR series
1. What is booklet printing?
Booklet printing is a printer driver process by which the printed pages
are scaled down in size with the intent of printing multiple pages per
sheet to form a book.
The pages must be oriented and ordered properly so that the pages
appear sequentially.
With some printers, the booklets pages must be manually folded and
With some printers, a Booklet Finisher can automatically fold and
staple the book.
Please Note:
You do not need Saddle Finisher or Saddle Stitch Finisher
product to make booklets.
You simply need a printer driver that supports booklets.
For example, try the Windows 2000 HP LaserJet 4si driver. (All I
ever use)
This driver will make booklets.
If however you want to Saddle stitch or fold, you obviously need the
2. What hardware is required to do
Folded/Stapled Booklet printing?
You must have a Saddle Finisher installed on your iR product.
3. How do I configure the printer driver to
see the Booklet option?
Ensure you have configured your printer driver for the correct Finisher.
Select Booklet Printing under the finishing Tab or Installable options
Select Saddle stitch to fold and staple your booklet.
Most drivers are easy to configure and you should have no problem
The harder ones are explained in the respective charts below
4. Can I use the Cover Sheet insertion
feature with Booklets using the printer driver?
Yes you can. Several steps are involved.
1. Ensure you have configured your printer driver for the
correct Finisher.
2. Under Finishing, Print Style, select Booklet printing.
3. Under Finishing, also select Saddle stitch.
4. Finally under Paper source, select Enable cover sheet
insertion unit.
If you skip step 3, the Enable Cover Sheet option is unavailable.
5. How can I configure the PCL or PS
drivers to print Booklets?
These tests were performed with Windows 98 SE, Windows NT 4 Service
pack 5 and 6a and Windows 2000 Pro
The Booklet settings are different for Windows 9.x, Windows NT,
Windows 2000 Pro, the PCL and the PS drivers
To be safe try these steps
1. Ensure you setup the printer driver before you launch the
2. Set the driver as default
3. Launch the application and confirm/change the printer
driver properties again.
For Wordperfect 2000, ensure that under Two-Sided Printing, Book
(Side to side) is checked. No other settings should be necessary.
6. WordPerfect 2002 stapling all
booklets into one. This email is from Richard Leclerc (Thanks
Word Perfect Office 2002
Doc of 10 pages
1 set works ok
If you ask for more than one set the copier will combine all the
pages and create one booklet only.
The solution
Install service pack 2 WPO2002SP2FR.exe
and the patch WPO2002HotPatch3FR.exe
You can find the service pack and the patch on Corel web page
Have a nice day
7. I need help with configuring the Canon
PS or PCL driver
There are many combinations here
First, choose your Driver type and then your OS
Windows 9.x
The drivers "Spooling at Host" setting plays a very important
role with Booklet printing.
Goto the Configuration Tab. Check the Spooling at host pulldown.
If Spooling at Host is Disabled:
Under Page Setup, select Page size Statement - Output size Match page
size (Greyed out) -----> Letter Booklet
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size Match page size
(Greyed out) --------> 11X17 Booklet
If Spooling at Host is Enabled or Auto:
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size Letter
------>Letter Booklet
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size 11X17
-------> 11X17 Booklet
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Statement X2 ----> Letter
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2 ---->
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
Windows 9.x
Adobe PS
1. Goto the Options, Finishing Tab. Ensure the printer
driver is configured with the Booklet option.
2. Goto the Paper Tab The Final page size is determined by the
Paper size under the paper tab (see below)
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Statement Paper size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
11X17) Select Letter
Paper size
Windows 9.x
PS3 Emulation
(This procedure is very similar to "Windows 9.x PCL5e PCL6"
from above)
The drivers "Spooling at Host" setting plays a very important
role with Booklet printing.
Goto the Configuration Tab. Check the Spooling at host pulldown.
If Spooling at Host is Disabled:
Under Page Setup, select Page size Statement - Output size Match page
size -----> Letter Booklet
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size Match page size
--------> 11X17 Booklet
If Spooling at Host is Enabled or Auto:
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size Letter
------>Letter Booklet
Under Page Setup, select Page size Letter - Output size 11X17
-------> 11X17 Booklet
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Statement X2 ----> Letter
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2 ---->
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
Windows NT4
Right click on the printer driver and choose "Document
Defaults" for these settings
1. Under the finishing Tab, set the Print Style to
"Booklet Printing"
2. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Output Size is "Match
Page Size"
3. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Page Size is "Letter or
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Statement Paper size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
11X17) Select Letter Paper size
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Statement X2 ----> Letter
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
Windows NT4
Adobe PS
Right click on the driver Icon and choose Properties
Click Device settings, Configure your driver under Installable
options. Click OK
Right click on the printer driver and choose Document Defaults
1. Click the Advanced tab, Printer Features, ensure Booklet is
set to on
2. If you want Saddle Stitch finishing Click the Advanced tab,
Printer Features, Stapling, Saddle Stitch (on Bottom)
3. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Paper Size is "Letter or
Statement" (see below)
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Statement Paper size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
11X17) Select Letter
Paper size
Windows NT4
PS3 Emulation
(This procedure is identical to "Windows NT4 PCLe PCL6" from
Right click on the printer driver and choose "Document
Defaults" for these settings
1. Under the finishing Tab, set the Print Style to
"Booklet Printing"
2. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Output Size is "Match
Page Size"
3. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Page Size is "Letter or
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Statement Paper size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
11X17) Select Letter
Paper size
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Statement X2 ----> Letter
Represents a Letter Booklet
Letter X2
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
Windows 2000 Pro
Right click on the printer driver and choose "Printing
Preferences" for these settings
1. Under the Finishing tab, ensure booklet printing is
2. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Output Size is "Match
Page Size"
3. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Page Size is "Letter or
11X17" (see below)
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Letter Page size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
Select 11X17 Page size
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Letter X2 ---> Letter Represents
a Letter Booklet
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
Windows 2000
Adobe PS
Configuring the driver
1. Right Click on the driver and select Properties, Device
Settings, Installable options
Choose the finisher your printer is equiped with. and select OK
2. Enable Booklet by right clicking on the printer driver and
choose Printing Preferences, Advanced, Booklet
3. Saddle Stiching is under Printing Preferences, Advanced,
Stapling, Saddle Stitch (at bottom)
Using the Printer Driver
Letter sized or 11X17 booklets depend on the Paper/Output setting in
the driver
Right click on the printer driver and choose Printing Preferences,
Advanced, Paper Output
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Statement Paper size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
11X17) Select Letter Paper size
Windows 2000 Pro
PS3 Emulation
(This procedure is identical to "Windows 2000 PCL5e PCL6" from
Right click on the printer driver and choose "Printing
Preferences" for these settings
1. Under the Finishing tab, ensure booklet printing is
2. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Output Size is "Match
Page Size"
3. Under the Page Setup Tab, ensure the Page Size is "Letter or
11X17" (see below)
Letter Booklet (2 Statement pages printed onto
LTR) Select Letter Page size
11X17 Booklet (2 letter pages printed onto
Select 11X17 Page size
As a guide, use the graphic in the driver dialog box
Letter X2 ---> Letter Represents
a Letter Booklet
Represents a 11X17 Booklet
8. Bold charactures not printed as bold when
using booklet.
When printing in booklet mode, bold text is not printed as bold.
This appears to be a problem with a small number of fonts. For me
(well it was sent to me by a tech in the field) it was the Bookman
family of fonts. When I printed the document using standard printing
everything worked fine. When I printed using booklet mode I lost the
bold characters.
I installed a newer version of the font (from the Canon font
manager) and everything printed fine. The Canon Font Manager will add
appox. 223 fonts. So if you don't want them all try downloading the
latest version from a font site like http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm
or the like.
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