If you have corrections of comments, please help by providing feedback to the email at the bottom of this page.
This procedure is used in situations where the Canon driver page
source selection is limited.
This procedure has not been tested with all situations and all printer
Ensure you have the latest print driver version.
Ensure the driver is correctly configured with the printers features.
Make sure the Printer Drivers page source features are set to default
Finally, before Launching Word, ensure the driver is set as default.
This is a quick test to prove to the customer it actually works.
Feel free to use the information with the customers documents to get
the results they need.
Step 1. Type the following exactly?
1 Enter, 2 Enter, 3 Enter, 4 Enter
Step 2. Highlight the 1, Select File
Page Setup, Select Paper Source.
Under First Page, Select Drawer X (Whatever drawer you want)
Under Other Pages Select Auto (I don?t think it really matters
what you pick here)
Under Apply to ensure you select Selected Text
Now click OK
Step 3. Notice a Section Break has been
Ensure the remaining text on your screen is just below this Section
break. You may have to remove a single carriage return
Step 4. Highlight the next part of your
text. 2 in this example
Again, Select File, Page Setup, Select Paper Source.
Under First Page, Select Drawer X (Whatever drawer you want)
Under Other Pages Select Auto (I don?t think it really matters
what you pick here)
Under Apply to ensure you select Selected Text
Now click OK
Again, Notice a Section Break has been added.
As in step 3, ensure the remaining text on your screen is just below
this Section
break. You may have to remove a single carriage return
Yes this is a repeat of step 2 and 3
Confused? Because of the previous Section break, this highlighted text
is considered the first page again. (Ask Microsoft)
Step 5. Repeat Steps 2, and 3 for each of the pages of the customers document.
Step 6. After completing the document,
confirm the page settings are correct.
Hightlight the text of any particular page. Using File, Page
Setup, Select Paper Source confirm the correct drawer is requested.
If you find an error or wish to comment
please let me know