Many of the new Canon copiers come
with an option to
"send" the document in the feeder to an email address or I-Fax with
specifications. This is achived by sending the scanned image as
attachment on an email. You must configure the copier to use your
companies SMTP server to send these emails. If you are only
emailing to accounts on your SMTP server, you should have no problems.
However, if you wish to email to someone who's account is not on
your SMTP server, your SMTP server must allow relay.
For security and spammer reasons most companies do not allow an open
relay. In the old days... open relays used to be very
and some sites still run an open relay on principle. Sorry I got
off topic there for a second. Anyway, there is no way for the
current Canon copiers to authenticate to your SMPT server and most sys
admins won't let you run an open relay and that is what prompted this
document. Configuring your SMTP server to allow a single host to
There are many SMPT servers on many platforms. This document
contains the ones I have tried. If you know how to do this on one
not mentioned, please send it to me at to
add to this page. Thanks eh.
FreeBSD 4.7 and sendmail
Like with any UNIX you can run any SMTP server. FreeBSD comes
with sendmail preinstalled. Assuming you are using the
preinstalled sendmail, to allow a single IP address to relay, do the
following (as root).
# cd /etc/mail
in a text editor, open access (maybe a new file)
# vi access
insert the following RELAY
Replace with the IP address of your copier. The
word "RELAY" is in uppercase. Now save and exit.
to up date the configuration run "make" from the /etc/mail directory.
# make
All done, give it a test.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 on Windows 2000 (Thanks
Luis Oliveros)
Update: Nick from the digitalissues forum sent us this link for
5.5 and 2000. very useful.
Login as administerator.
click on
start > programs > Microsoft Exchange > System Manager
Click to expand the tree under
Servers > choose your server > protocols > SMTP
Right click on "Default SMTP Virtual Server" and select properties.
Click the "Access" Tab
Click the "Relay" button
Click the "Add" button
Input the IP address of the Copier
click "OK" x3
All done, give it a test.
Lotus Domino 5.0.1 on Windows 2000
There are many settings for Domino. This document is based on a
fresh default installation. YMMV.
This section assumes you have SMTP and SMTP Routing enabled.
There are three things you need to check from Lotus Domino
Administrator to make sure you are setup to do this.
Open Lotus Domino Administrator (must have password)
Close the welcome screen
Make sure you are connected to the server you want
to be providing SMTP
Click on the Configuration tab
Expand The Server menu
Click on Current Server Document
Under Routing tasks, check for SMTP Mail Routing
and SMTP listener task should be enabled.
If either of these is not there or disabled your server isn't using
SMTP. See the administrator about enabling these services.
We are not done yet, now
Expand the Messaging menu
Click on Configurations
Double click on the server you want to be providing
SMTP (to view setting instead of edit settings)
Click to the Router/SMPT tab
Under the Basic tab, "SMTP used when sending
messages outside of the local internet domain: enabled"
If this is disabled you won't be able to route the SMTP to the internet.
If all these services are enabled we can continue.
By default Domino is an open relay, meaning anyone can relay without
authenticating to the server. However many administrators will
close the relay for the reasons explained above. Below we will
look at the setting for the relay and open the relay for a single
We need to check the security setting. Assuming you are still at
the screen above in the Lotus Domino Administrator (if not follow the
directions above to get there)
Click on the "Restrictions and Controls" tab
Click on the "SMTP Inbound Controls"
Under "Allow messages only from the following
external internet hosts to be sent to external internet domains:"
add the IP address of the Canon device you are using for send
functions in square brackets. Example []
Now only that host can relay.
There are many other setting which could cause problems. Too many
to go in to here but your Domino administrator should be able to help
you out. One That I am aware of is if you force authentication
SMTP, since there is no way for Canon machines to do this. To
check it do the following.
Open Domino Adminitrator
Click on the Configuartion tab
Expand the Server menu and select Current Server
Click on the ports sub menu tab
Click on the Internet ports sub sub menu tab
Click on the Mail sub sub sub menu tab
Under the Authentication options: for Mail (SMTP
Name & password should be No
Anonymous should be Yes
That's it. If you have any hints, tips, or corrections please
email me at
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 on Windows NT4 (Thanks
Kevin Potvin)
There was a thread on cslist2 where after the settings where made,
relay still didn't happen. Changing the mask to
fixed it.
Kevin Potvin has sent us this
MS Word document.
(zipped 95k)
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
Windows based SMTP
Server Applications
As a temporary or perhaps permanent SMTP relay solution, you may want
install a SMTP server application on a Windows Box
With a little research, we found some free applications.
The first is
Free SMTP Server
This small application can be used as a completely open SMTP relay
There is very little configuration required.
If you want alot more features and security, why not try
Procast Server
The Procast Server Free Edition is loaded with features
It also includes settings to accept email only from specific IP's
Procast Server Installation and
configuration for a single IP relay
Select a Windows box
Ensure the machine has internet access
Install Procast Server
After installing, launch the application
The setup wizard will ask you who to allow incomming connections from
The local IP address and loopback is set by default
No IP address's means accept all connections (open relay)
If you want to allow only one machine (Perhaps only 1 iR product) ,
remove all IP's except the iR's IP
The rest of the configuration is simple
Now simply point your iR's SMTP server settings to the IP address of
the Windows box providing the Procast Server application
Bada bing bada boom, you are done
Be nice now, don't spam :-)