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1) Copies are being wrinkled or the copies are coming out wavy on
Legal, Letter-R or Ledger Paper.
- Replace the Internal delivery roller (FB4-2901-000)
and Replace the external delivery roller (FB4-2902-000).
-This problem occurs around the 200K to 250K copies
on the machine because the exit rollers are worn out.
2) Trail Edge of the a Letter Size Copy is Compressed.Only
Letter size paper is effected.
- On Page104-1, Item number 25 of the iR-330/400
part catalog.
- Magnetic plate above the registration roller gets
bent out of shape.
- Reform plate or Replace plate
Click the image to make it
1) Copy run interrupted by fax job. Copier set to copier
priority. During a long copy run job is interrupted and a portion of a
fax job that is being received is printed. Then copy run job is
continued. This cycle repeats during the copy run.
- this occurs when there is not enough memory on the IP board
- the fax job is clearing memory space so the copy run can continue.
2) E-805 code. This error code causes a 5V fuse to blow on
the DC Controller.
-check for pinched wires from FM-12 (Reader Cooling
Fan #1) to the DC Controller.
- if problem continues, replace FM-12
(Reader Cooling Fan #1).
-Part Number FH6-1481-000
3) A new Fax board-D1 is installed into a machine. Please do the
following to prevent problems in the future.
- do the "all clear" in the fax service mode,
this will clear all the settings that were set in the factory after
- there has been many reports were tech's forget to
perform this and then have to clear the fax and then reinstall all
the user numbers and names back
into the fax. It is easier to and less time
consuming to do the all clear at the beginning of an installation then
it is if the customer programs lots and lots of
numbers into there fax board and then develops
1) Can the fax-D1 on the iR-400 fax an 11x17 to another machine and
print on an 11x17 paper?
- the answer is "Yes" provided that the
receiving fax is set up to receive 11x17 faxes in the Additional
Functions >Custom Fax Settings > Printer Settings.
If you find an error or wish to make a comment, pleaselet me know.